

192 Uppsatser om Congress hall - Sida 1 av 13

Mötesindustrin : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande

Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.

Mötesindustrin : Kongresser : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande

Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.

Beslag eller buckla? : En studie av platta järnfragment från hallhuset i Birkas Garnison

This paper deals with flat iron fragments from the Viking Age hall situated in Birkas Garrison, Adelsö parish in Uppland. The aim of the study was to identify which objects these flat fragments were originally derived from. The aim was also to discuss the function of these objects and their presence in the hall. This would hopefully increase the knowledge about the hall and the warriors who lived and worked there. In some cases the fragments form and placement in the hall has not provided enough information to classify the object from which they derived.

Bilden av kvinnan i Library of Congress Classification En genusstudie av Library of Congress Classifications första och senaste upplaga

I have done a comparative gender study of Library of Congress Classification from 1900 and 2001. I have also used a hermeneutic method and ideological critics to find out what picture of women the both systems shows. In my comparative study of the both systems I have found low update of classes which relates to women in the new classification system. Men seem to be a norm in the system, because men are not defined in classes related to both men and women. But many classes related to women are named Women as and Women in The study also shows that women are more related to subjects about family and marriage than men are.

Symbolisk dekoration : En studie av Järnspiralen som symbol under yngre järnålder.

When the Iron spirals investigated in this paper saw the light again no one looked at them as nothing more than decoration. It was first during the 2011 excavation in Old Uppsala that the symbolism of the items no longer could be ignored. The spirals of Old Uppsala lay along the walls of the great hall, which stood upon one of the human constructed plateaus in the area. The hall had been burned down and then cleared of all lumber. Then the iron spirals had been placed in the positions and then everything was sealed with a layer of clay.A study of the artifact began with the purpose to contextualize and interpret the iron spiral.

Mötesanläggningarnas framgångsfaktorer : En fallstudie av Stockholmsmässan och Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre

The aim of this essay is to examine how important marketing and networking is for the meeting industry in Stockholm. The meeting industry is one of the most profitable areas of the tourism industry today and a major contributor to economic growth in Sweden. The meeting industry has grown rapidly in Sweden and Stockholm has during the last five years been one of the ten most popular congress cities in the world. This has resulted in that the city has become a strong competitor to other European cities.Stockholm International fairs are for example the largest trade fair organizer in Scandinavia and Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre is the new arena of opportunity.However the marketing and a broad network is necessary for meeting facilities if their aim is to be successful. Marketing contributes to the meeting facilities establishment and makes it well known for the potential market, while the collaborations and relationships is important for facilitating their work.

"Malmös nya miljardkomplex" : Om strategisk kommunikation och förankringsmetodik i ett mångkulturellt samhälle

In May 2010 the plans for Malmö?s new Concert Hall, Conference Centre and Hotel were announced publically. The purpose of this thesis was to present strategy for communication in order to gain approval for the new concert and conference center from the inhabitants inMalmö and to incorporate the use of it in their everyday life.Material from the receiver?s as well as the sender?s perspective has been collected from qualitative interviews. Through group interviews we have investigated the general consensus of the inhabitants of Malmö regarding the investment, placing, offered events, expectations as well as how they collected information.

Civilsamhällets mobilisering i demokratiseringsprocessen -en fallstudie av Sydafrika

This essay captures the process toward a democratic transition in South Africa and tempts on analyzing the efforts made by civil society before the negotiation with the government in the beginning of the 90´s. The method used is a case study.By applying the theory of Elisabeth Jean Wood about the importance of continued mobilization, I try to answer the question: to what extend did civil society influence the democratization process. The focus of the study lies on the years of intensified popular mobilization, from the start of the 80´s until the beginning of the 90´s.The results following this study shows that COSATU, Congress of South African Trade Unions) and ANC(African National Congress) played both a crucial role for the democratization process in South Africa. UDF, however played a role in the process, but not in the same significant way that COSATU and ANC..

Samspelet mellan grafisk design och ljusdesign i utställningssalen "Vägen till det förflutna"

The purpose of this study was to develop recommendations for using more efficient lighting and better graphic design to create a more uniform structure in the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? in Jönköping County Museum by answering the following questions at issue:1) How are the objects in the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? exposed today?2) How can you use lighting and graphic design to create structure in the exhibition and strengthen the expression in the exhibition?Our work is based on observations and open group interviews. We observed the exhibition hall ?Road to the past? during day and evening. In the same hall, we observed a guided tour that we followed up with open group interviews.

Framtidens kongresshus : Stadsbyggnadsvisionen i Jönköping

Since a couple of decades the community of Jönköping has worked out an urban vision of how the city should be appropriated expanded. The prospect extends to around year 2040 and deals with the area south of lake Munksjön in Jönköping, Sweden. Today there is a proposal of how this would look like and what main public functions that should be located there. One issue in the so-called urban vision 2.0 indicates a congressional building. This report describes how such an object can be designed according to the urban vision conditions.The work is focused on three main themes;* Architectural concept and a modern form of expression.* A functional attractive congress building in a new planned town centre.* General concept of a realistic structure system that meet the spatial and architectural possibilities.Various concepts in the meeting industry and in the architecture field are identified in order to understand the concepts and ideas with today´s congress buildings.

Konstlandskap : ett projekt om en konsthall på Bergdala gård, Kivik

Abstract ? What is an exhibition hall? ? How do you create tension between art and nature? ? Why should an exhibition hall be situated in the country side; would that add to the experience? ? What are the conditions of exhibiting contemporary art? These are some of the questions I first asked myself when I came to work with this project on an exhibition hall outside Kivik, Österlen. These questions brought me to new places, meetings and ideas. The team working actively to realize this project, calls it ?Art by the Sea?. The team has been working with the project since 2001 .

Energieffektiv processventilation för aluminiumvarmvalsverk

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att genomföra en nulägesanalys av Hall 7 på Sapa Heat Transfer AB i Finspång. Utifrån nulägesanalysen togs åtgärdsförslag fram som kan generera en effektivare uppvärmning, mindre yttre utsläpp och behagligare arbetsklimat. Problemet i Hall 7 är att processventilationen för varmvalsverk 2051 är ålderstigen och underdimensionerad, den saknar även värmeåtervinning och rening av processfrånluften. Detta leder till oplanerade driftstopp, höga underhållskostnader samt hög energianvändning.För att finna åtgärdsförslag för dessa problem genomfördes en nulägesanalys av Hall 7 genom att mäta luftflöden och temperaturer, analysera utsläppsmätningar och energianvändning samt intervjua personal.Utifrån dessa mätningar har fyra olika åtgärdsförslag tagits fram. De fyra åtgärdsförslagen är benämns: YIT, YIT (Enklare), Homehall och Ökad tilluft.Det åtgärdsförslag som anses vara bäst lämpat för att generera en effektivare uppvärmning, ge mindre yttre utsläpp samt ett behagligare arbetsklimat i Hall 7 är åtgärdsförslag Homehall.

Liu Xiaodong ??? Xiao Dou Hanging Out at the Pool Hall

Hometown Boy är ett projekt av konstnären Liu Xiaodong. Tillsammans med en grupp medarbetare besökte han sin barndomsstad  Jincheng i nordöstra Kina, en stad han lämnade för trettio år sedan.. Resultatet visades på UCCA, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art i Beijing. Lius verk synliggjorde individer från en marginaliserad arbetarklass som inte ofta ges utrymme inom porträttkonsten.Mitt syfte har varit att tolka Lius Xiao Dou Hanging Out at the Pool Hall bland annat utifrån ett marxistisktfeministiskt förhållningssätt. Som metod har jag utgått ifrån bildanalyser av verken samt litteraturstudier.

The first Woman born with a Difference : En komparativ queerläsning av Djuna Barnes Ladies Almanack

The aim of this thesis is a comparative study of Djuna Barnes' 1928 book Ladies Almanack and turn of the century sexological texts focusing on Havelock Ellis' studies of 'sexual inversion in women'. The study is based on queer theory concepts from Judith Butler and Fanny Ambjörnson as well as Michel Foucault's studies of the history of sexuality. After a presentation of the theoretical concepts and a short introduction of earlier research on Barnes' works my reading and conclusions are presented in five chapters focusing on different theoretical and thematic aspects of the studied texts. A recapitulation and discussion ends the thesis.In short, my conclusions are that Ladies Almanack contrary to earlier research can be read as a queer text, and a form of counter-discourse to the general one regarding lesbianism in the early 1900's. The text also reveals itself as a pointed critique and a satire of Havelock Ellis' writings on 'sexual inversion in women'.

Haspelsystem för bandstål : CamCoil 400

For youths leisure activity the organized sport is vital. Young people become increasingly sedentaryand the healths of young people are the various municipalities responsibility. In Eskilstuna, thehandball is very popular but there are only three grounds that meet the standards of the dimensions ofa handball pitch, 40x20 meters. The same dimensions are used by floorball. Eskilstuna municipalityowns one of these, the other two is privately built and owned and the municipality rents time in thehalls.IF Guif and HK Eskil are two handballclubs in the central part of Eskilstuna.

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